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About Laura

Welcome, my name is Laura.  I am a 33 year old single mom of two AMAZING kids.  I put myself through college over 13 years, with a lot of persistence and a lot of hard work earning my BBA in Marketing.  I certainly don’t regret the time, money and sleepless nights it took to educate myself, and am very proud of my accomplishment, but over the years, I have been fortunate enough to find myself.  I have come to the realization that I would be wasting my gift as an artist, and not fulfilling my full potential, if I let my gift go unused and unshared with the world. 

I have painted and drawn ever since I was a little kid.  I participated in art shows and won awards all the way through high school.  I decided to get into Graphic Design when I first went to college and absolutely despised it!  I changed my major a couple of times and soon dropped out.

I didn’t know what I wanted to do as far as earning a living goes, and somehow became lost in this weird, magical, and sometimes scary thing called life.  I made mistakes, a lot of mistakes, and learned from them.  I was blessed with my daughter, and then my son 4 years later.  I have met some amazing souls!  I credit many of them, along with my little loves (my crazy kids) for helping to inspire me and find my way again.

I don’t want to just make a living, I want to make a life.  I see people in everyday life working grueling hours in jobs they loath, driving their fancy cars and trying to impress people they don’t even like, never getting to spend time with their kids that are growing up while they are missing it.  I want to be an inspiration to my kids like they have been to me, to help them find what they are passionate about and run with it!

. . . So, that’s me in a nutshell.  I look forward to working with you and making beautiful creations for you!
